
Quality homes provide a serene environment, essential for the best sleep and overall well-being.

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By Dr. Paul N Toure, Senior Editor

Luxury Mattress: A Buyer's Guide to the Best Beds

The Helix Midnight Luxe Mattress is the best luxury mattress overall. It is made with high-quality materials and construction and offers a balance of comfort and support. The Saatva Solaire Mattress is the most luxurious mattress on the market.

By Dr. Paul N Toure, Senior Editor

How Mattresses Impact Sleep Quality and Overall Health

Quality sleep is more than just the hours you spend in bed. It encompasses several key factors. First, it involves the consistency of your sleep schedule, meaning you go to bed and wake up around the same time every day. Second, it includes sleep efficiency, the percentage of time you sleep in bed.

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